Docker Compose

Starting the server

The easiest way to get started with Virtualpaper is by using Docker containers. The docker-compose.yml file contains everything needed to run an instance:

To use the docker-compose command, clone the repository with Git:

git clone

Build the image and start the server:

docker-compose up -d

Initialize new instance

During the first time of running the server, initialize it by running:

docker-compose run --rm --entrypoint "/app/virtualpaper --config /config/config.toml" server migrate

This will initialize the database.

Add users:

Adding users is possible with the CLI:

docker-compose run --rm --entrypoint "/app/virtualpaper --config /config/config.toml" server manage add-user 

The command will ask for username, password and whether the new user should be an Administrator or not.

Starting the server

If the server isn’t yet running, it can be started with:

docker-compose up -d 


The docker-compose.yml will create four Docker volumes:

  • virtualpaper_data for documents
  • virtualpaper_config for config file
  • meilisearch
  • postgresql


Be sure to install tesseract-ocr language files in host OS or by extending to Docker image. E.g in Debian, install package tesseract-ocr-eng for Enlgish support.