When viewing document list, a search bar is shown on top of the documents. The bar supports full-text-search, meaning that user can enter any words, and those words are matched against the document’s name, description, metadata and document’s extracted content. Typos are allowed when searching.
In addition to full-text-search, the search bar can be used to filter document’s date as well as metadata key-values.
Following examples make use of all of the features listed below.
Every word in the query is used as full-text-search query, unless they’re explicitly idenfitied as either metadata filter or date filter.
Any words that are not matched as metadata or date are treated as full-text-search. Maximum number of words are 10. Even though it is possible to query with longer sentences, only the 10 first words are used when quereying for results.
Full-text-search is typo-tolerant and also utilizes user-customizable synonyms and stop words. For more information please refer to Meilisearch documentation.
Metadata query must be formatted as “key:value”. Multiple metadata filers are allowed and some logical operations are available. The position of the metadata queries does not matter.
It doesn’t matter where in the query the metadata filters are inserted in. If there are multiple key-values in one query, all of them must match the document by default. It is possible to OR and even chain several key-value filters using parantheses:
Date is treated the same way as metadata: the query is full-text-search unless some word matches as date. The search bar will suggest several date formats, such as today, yesterday, year. The date option access one to two arguments. With one argument, all documents that match the date text are matched. In one argument mode, it is possible to filter documents dated inside one year, month or day.
With two arguments, all documents between the two dates are matched.