Virtualpaper provides a cli that not only runs the server, but is capable to run some maintenance tasks and user management as well.
For help page, type virtualpaper --help
docker-compose run --rm --entrypoint "/app/virtualpaper --config /config/config.toml" server --help
virtualpaper --help
Virtualpaper CLI provides commands for adding users, resetting password.
docker-compose run --rm --entrypoint "/app/virtualpaper --config /config/config.toml" server manage add-user
virtualpaper manage manage add-user
docker-compose run --rm --entrypoint "/app/virtualpaper --config /config/config.toml" server manage reset-password
virtualpaper manage manage reset-password
For more info on indexing documents, see administrating with the UI. Running the index command in the CLI results in scheduling the ‘fts’ step for all documents in the system.
docker-compose run --rm --entrypoint "/app/virtualpaper --config /config/config.toml" server index
virtualpaper index